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DIY 3 axis Gimbal using Arduino Uno

Hello gyz welcome to my Blog and in this tutorial ill show you how to make an 3 axis Gimbal.

I wanted to own a Gimbal as I find gimbals really fascinating even just to look at and even gives perfection in your footage, but they are so expensive to buy. lately I decided to make my own because i feel like making stuff is so much cooler than buying stuff. So i started searching a lot around the web to find so that i will get some idea but i couldn't find much info on internet, then i learned how can i make 1, what stuff i will require and i designed a Gimbal and i felt like some other people might also be searching for this project on internet as i did, so i made this tutorial and that was the story behind this tutorial.

Tips : -

Use higher Torque servo Motors.

Better if u use Gimbal Motors instead of Servo.

If possible change the design of Y axis servo if not you will break your servo as i did.

Components Required : - Amazon Trusted Links

1- Arduino Uno Best price - 2- MPU 6050 Gyro sensor Best price - 3- 2 Servo Motors Best price - 4- Jumper wires Best price -

DIY Gimbal Part 1 ( In this video i will show you the connection )

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